Muslim Student Associations are often an integral space for American Muslims’ social, spiritual, and political development. To better understand the perspectives of Muslim students in California, MSA West partnered with the Institute of Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) to administer a survey during the annual MSA West Conference at the University of California, Irvine. The results of this convenience sample of MSA West students provide a snapshot of their strengths and struggles.

Up until this point, there has been little to no data at this scale specific to American Muslim college students’ experiences. MSA West plans to use the this research to develop comprehensive community-driven solutions and resources to address the challenges and amplify the strengths of our college students across the West Coast.

In this report, authored by Colin Christopher, we offer data-driven recommendations highlighting opportunities for funders, university administrations, and campus MSAs to address some of the challenges that were identified in the survey.


MSA West and ISPU developed a survey of 55 questions on a range of topics on Muslim college student wellbeing and collected 516 responses to the survey at MSA West’s 2019 Conference. Topics included professional aspirations, community engagement, the significance of religion, political activism, experiences with discrimination, mental health, and general demographics.

    Fill out your information below to download the ISPU Report!